Author Archives: Iqra Mumal, MSc

Genetic Marker HLA-B27 Correlates With Ankylosing Spondylitis Onset but Not Disease Burden, Study Shows

The presence of a specific genetic marker called HLA-B27 in Caucasian ankylosing spondylitis patients is related to earlier disease onset and higher disease prevalence among family members, a study has found. However, according to the research, being HLAB27-positive is not related to a higher burden of disease or uveitis (inflammation of the eye).

Anti-Rheumatic or Anti-Tumor Necrosis Therapy Does Not Contribute to Increased Infection Risk, Study Shows

Patients with ankylosing spondylitis treated with anti-rheumatic drugs or anti-tumor necrosis therapy are not more likely to develop infections compared to non-users, a study shows. The study, “Use of disease-modifying anti-rheumatic or anti-tumour necrosis factor drugs and risk of hospitalized infection in ankylosing spondylitis,” was published in the…

Biologics, Anti-TNF Therapy Protect AS Patients Against Heart Disease, Study Suggests

Anti-TNF therapy and other biologics — often used for the treatment of inflammatory arthritis — partially protect ankylosing spondylitis patients from heart disease, according to Australian researchers. Their study, “Biologics and cardiovascular events in inflammatory arthritis: a prospective national cohort study,” was published the journal Arthritis Research…

Social Media Allows Glimpse into AS Patients’ Thoughts on Biologics

Social media data has allowed scientists to examine ankylosing spondylitis patients’ knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs regarding biologic therapies. The study, “Patients’ Concerns and Perceptions Regarding Biologic Therapies in Ankylosing Spondylitis: Insights from a Large-Scale Survey of Social Media Platforms,” was published in the journal Arthritis Care &…